Books on veganism that will change your perspective
Books on veganism that will change your perspectiveon May 11, 2021

If you are thinking of joining the vegan community or are already part of the revolution, here’s a reading list that can help in your life changing journey.
Vegan is Love by Ruby Roth
Roth’s children’s books introduce the concept of veganism to children with the most simple words and interesting illustrations making it easy for them to grasp. Written in a didactic yet thought-provoking manner using the tools of compassion and ethical choices, it explains the impact of unsustainable lifestyle choices on earth. If you are planning to introduce veganism to your child early in life in a meat-obsessed world, this can be a good start to train your child’s thought process.
We are the Weather by Jonathan Safran Foer
After sharing with readers the re-evaluation of his meat-based lifestyle through his popular memoir, Foer brings up an even more relevant and immediate concern in his latest book, where he connects climate crisis with consumption of farm meat. Written in his unique style, the book has a humane tone pointing out the impending disaster and how we can make a difference with small efforts in our everyday life instead of making huge commitments.
Allowed to Grow Old by Isa Leshko
Photographer Isa Leshko chose a unique, heart-wrenching and insightful manner to convey the message of healthy lifestyle choices through her photo book. She brings to people’s attention through portraits of ageing animals how most farm animals are slaughtered at a tender age for human consumption and are never given a chance to grow old or live their dedicated life span. Accompanied by brief bios and essays by Farm Sanctuary founder Gene Baur and essayist Anne Wilkes Tucker, the book makes a moving impact on its readers.
More Plants Less Waste by Max La Manna
Zero-waste chef and sustainability advocate Manna brings a new approach to consumption of vegan food through zero-waste cooking. Taking the approach of an all-round sustainable living, his book features easily available vegan diet ingredients, DIY natural hacks, and zero-waste recipes that are economic saviours as well as healthy meal options for a considerate lifestyle.
Racism as Zoological Witchcraft by Aph Ko
In this book, Ko intrigues us to delve deeper and look at the movement of veganism, animal consumption and exploitation through a more philosophical and social approach juxtaposing issues against the perspective of racism, gender, history and various social constructs. She studies it, accompanied by the analysis of Jordan Peele’s 2017 film Get Out. A prominent voice of Black veganism, the author through this book expands our horizon of thoughts in a more comprehensive manner.
The Essential Vegan Travel Guide by Caitlin Galer-Unti
Veganism is not just restricted to what you have on your plate every day rather it is a choice that shapes up your day-to-day life. If you are a traveler at heart, this book will come handy for you in maintaining your meat-free lifestyle choice even while globe trotting with plenty of resources, featuring vegan-friendly options for lodging and packing to food and adventures with added insights on travel activism, child and pet-friendly travelling.
The Green and the Red by Armand Chauvel
If learning about veganism and the impact of animal consumption through non-fiction, didactic books is not your cup of tea then this romantic comedy fiction is a perfect way to start your reading on the subject. The plot developing around the conflict of a vegetarian restaurateur and a carnivorous marketer is a hilarious read while imparting important knowledge through their dialogues.
Even Vegans Die by Carol J. Adams, Patti Breitman and Virginia Messina
Highlighting the sensitive issues of sick-shaming and body-shaming, the authors bust myths about adopting a vegan lifestyle through a practical approach in this book. Rather than imagining the concept of veganism sitting in an utopian bubble as an idealistic goal in terms of health and appearance, the authors normalise vegan people falling sick for their readers and additionally gives caregiving advice for vegan practitioners and their family or the elderly. They further explain readers on how to have an empathetic and compassionate outlook towards the vegan community.
Vegan for Her by Virginia Messina
Taking into consideration a woman’s body and common health issues, this guide to a vegan diet is a useful book for any woman thinking about a vegan lifestyle transition or is a newbie in the vegan community. Made comprehensive with recipes, specific nutritional information and addressing various health concerns like pregnancy, menopause, breast cancer, fertility and PMS, the book is informative and can come handy in following a plant-based diet.
But I Could Never Go Vegan by Kristy Turner
If FOMO regarding your favourite food items is stopping you from making a vegan lifestyle choice or you are still in two minds, this cookbook of 125 innovative recipes could perhaps help you gain confidence and give in. With an aim to appease different palates, this book is a resource of delish dishes from sandwiches to sorbets, allowing you to give in to your cravings but with a healthy replacement.
In Search of the Wild Tofurky by Seth Tibbott with Steve Richardson
In his biography, Seth Tibbott, founder of Tofurky, narrates his inspirational tale of building a successful international brand by starting a business of plant-based products. Not coming from any business background and living in a treehouse, by merely following his gut and believing in an environment-friendly lifestyle, Seth redefined taste and choices even before veganism was popularised.
Source: telegraphindia
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